So many use this time of year to "get back on track." I say, work to never fall off track!! True, easier said than done, but not if you approach your goals realistically. Here a few easy-to-incorporate tips to help you get started.
Tip 1: Be realistic. Set small goals that can be achieved - not easily necessarily, but make them doable. Determining to lose ALL of the extra pounds that were added to your waistline over the course of 2011 by the end of January is a recipe for failure. Sure, a crash diet may produce those kinds of results, but they will never last. Also, once you achieve your smaller goals, you can set new, small ones, and as you achieve those, all of the small achievements you've made will add up. All the while, you will have incrementally changed your life habits, which will make for a lasting effect. Hello, success!
Tip 2: Drink more water. (I am scrambling for my Nalgene as I write this). Your body is 70% water, and that water needs to be replenished and refreshed. Plus, it helps all of your body's systems run smoothly. So simple a task. So often neglected.
Tip 3: Eat less processed foods. Processed foods often contain excess sugar or salt that you can just do without. Stick to natural, whole foods - fruits and vegetables. Or when it comes to other snacks, create your own so you have control over it's contents - make your own granola bars, trail mixes, cheese and crackers. The less of your food that is manufactured, the better.
Tip 4: MOVE! Put in exercise wherever, however, whenever you can. Park farther from your job's entrance. Take stairs rather than the elevator. Do an extra lap around the grocery store as you think of any other items you may have missed. Do an exercise DVD. Invest in a Wii and play! It doesn't even need to be a "fitness" game; there are quite a few that just get you up and moving. Take a walk. I know, it's not hard to figure out what to do, but more difficult to actually DO it. But if healthy living is a priority, you can make it happen!
Tip 5: Eat often; keep your metabolism running. Aim to eat every 3-4 hours. Have small snacks between each meal that combine protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They will keep you feeling full, energized, and well nourished. If you stick to three meals a day, or even eat frequently but in an unbalanced manner, you'll do yourself a disservice. You'll lose out on natural burn time that you don't even have to work for! Plus, if you're like me and love food, eating more frequently offers more opportunities to nosh on the foods you love. Granted, you will need to exercise portion control; however, since you'll be able to eat more often, you won't feel as compelled to eat so much in one sitting.
I have to say that 2011 was a good year for me as far as healthy living is concerned. I have dropped a few pounds since last January and have toned up a good deal. Certainly, teaching Zumba has helped a lot towards this end. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that I am where I am because of the diligence with which I approach diet and exercise.
You can't just "diet;" you must make it a lifestyle. Then and only then will you find true success. The number on the scale will matter less, and it will revolve more around how you feel in your own skin. When you're actively taking care of yourself, you can live guiltless, free, confident. That is not to say you won't have a bad day every so often; we all do. But keep your perspective on your journey as a whole, not on one single trip-up when you have countless other steps logged that have moved you in a positive direction.
I wish you the best in 2012. I hope you can put these tips to good use. Even if you only endeavor to incorporate one into your already busy life, something is always better than nothing at all. You can do it! Feel free to contact me if you need some extra moral support. :) Happy New Year!