Readers, I feel badly that I have not posted recently; however, I will not apologize as some things do tend to fall by the way side for a time when one discovers she is expecting. :) About a week after my last post, my husband and I found out that I was pregnant! Between the subsequent holidays and the ever-continuing life adjustments, the frequency of my blogging has not been where I would like it to be. Nevertheless, I am going to do my best to continue writing as it is a creative outlet I truly enjoy.
Unsurprisingly, this blog does stem from a train of thought that has been and is at the forefront of my mind since I learned my body was no longer my own. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is of utmost importance - duh! A brand new life is being formed within the confines of your body, and he/she needs certain, varied, and plentiful nutrients to develop well.
As I read various paraphernalia specifically relating to diet and nutrition during pregnancy, the authors are so kind as to encourage expectant mothers to eat small meals 5-6x per day (to prevent sour stomach, gas, and bloat among other things) and to mix up the foods in their diets so as to insure their bodies are receiving the building blocks of life, vital to their newborn. Moreover, in almost all cases, the writers also contest that such habits are important to continue even after giving birth to promote overall good health. They could not be more right-on!
The key to having a good diet is simply to make it count! Your body craves a proper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and other nutrients to function at its best. You won't achieve this balance by eating crap. You have to make every bite count! Not all foods are created equal. One cup of Fruit Loops does not have the same nutritional value or sustaining power as does one cup of oatmeal with brown sugar. An apple with peanut butter does not pack the same punch as four Oreos. It's not rocket science.
I realize that some people abhor the idea of feasting on fruits and veggies and cringe at the idea of taking a more healthy approach to eating (i.e. "dieting). But, simple choices made repeatedly go a long way. Instead of Fruit Loops, opt for oatmeal. Instead of six slices of roast beef on your sandwich with a bag of potato chips, go with four slices of turkey breast and an apple. Each decision when it comes to food can be one more nail in the coffin (to put it bluntly) or one for the beautiful structure you are working to sustain.
You have one life to live and one body to do it in. Why not give it your best shot? Now that is not to say, life must be all celery sticks and no creme brule. There is a time and place for every food item; after all, food exists so that it can be enjoyed! You just need to keep everything in balance; this is the key.
I am entering my second trimester and have noticed that in this last week I am seemingly more hungry than before. In my case, this is expected and normal. But rather than gorging myself on unsatisfying and nutritionally deficient junk food, I am going to continue to attempt to make food choices that truly count and afford both my growing baby and I the best nutrition possible. I can't do much for my baby right now other than take the very best care of myself, and that primarily revolves around what I eat. Therefore, it is imperative that I make every bite count! You should, too!