Saturday, April 23, 2011


One of my favorite fashion features of spring is the ever classic, always "in" trench coat. Trench coats have been couture for decades. One memorable trench coat toting individual is Humphrey Bogart as displayed in the movie, Casablanca. Boy, did he wear it with style! After watching his performance, how could you not want one? They give off such an air of adventure and a certain savoirfaire (that's know-how in plain English). I'm in! (And at this time, a big shout out goes to Mom, who is a big Humphrey fan). :)

In recent years, trench coats have fanned out from their singular and most familiar khaki color and double breast. Now, trench coats come in all sorts of colors, prints, and styles! And, with the emphasis on bright colors this spring, don't be shocked to to see one in an outstanding hue.

Length has also been updated as you can readily find shorter styles, which make me happy as I benefit from a style that hits right at my hip as opposed to mid-thigh or lower.

As spring started rolling in, I began to hunt for a trench coat that I really liked as I did not yet own a spring jacket suitable for wearing out. Finding one that fit into my budget was of primary concern. Secondarily, I was focused on the style, color, and fit - naturally. It was difficult to find an inexpensive one, and understandably so. I acknowledge that when it comes to fashion, something as timeless as a trench coat is worth spending a bit more money on than you may otherwise simply because you will likely get years upon years of usage out of it. However, one needs an extra $50+ in order to spend it, which is not a luxury I have had recently.

(If you're interested, you can click here to read a recently written article entitled, Is A Timeless Burberry Trench Coat Worth Your Full Tax Return (And Then Some)? that makes a great case for why spending nearly $1000 on a trench coat can be considered a wise investment. But if you're budget conscious. as I am, here is another article that highlights coats costing under $50).

I have also learned that if you're not 100% sold on something in store, it is likely not worth putting out the money for the item. So despite my grand desire, I turned away from not a few jackets before I found two I liked enough to try on. I was in Marshall's and happened upon a categorical trench coat with the type of modern appeal I was searching for - color: black; length: at my hip. Added noteworthy features - single breasted with a tiered design below the waist. It was cute and a little different. I called in my sister for a second opinion on this one - hence the fitting room photo.

My second option was the one I settled on, that my sister liked best, and which similarly appealed to me more for a few different reasons: Color - grey, suitable for just about any ensemble. Style: Single breast, mandarin style collar, cape sleeves. Length: stops at the hip. For all of these reasons, I liked this jacket more. The cape sleeves were a big hit with me as they were different, a little bit of a fashion risk so to speak as they are a bit out of the norm. Also, the mandarin collar is not something one may expect to find on a spring jacket - another plus. Oh, and let me not forget about the price tag: $19.99. SOLD!

So my search for a trench coat didn't land me a traditional one, but I am more than happy with my purchase. I continue to oogle at the pictures of various trenches that have been invading my magazines. Below are a few more designs that have tickled my fancy.

Ruffle Detail

Kimono Style
Military Style (with scarf) :)

One of my absolute favorite looks is this simple, safari-like look as worn by my beloved and beautiful sister, Erica. Looking debonair and ready for whatever life throws her way. I would dare say she could rival Humphrey! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tricks of the Trade

Time for a true confession -

So about two months ago, I was turned on to an app called MyFitnessPal. It allows you to set a daily caloric intake goal, log the foods that you eat and their caloric values, and track your exercise and fitness activities. At first, it was love at first touch (to my iphone screen, that is). I was hooked. I faithfully logged everything I ate and every exercise session I completed. However, after about 3 weeks, my propensity for logging turned into slight obsession. I found myself thinking too much about what I was eating, when I was eating next, and how my numbers would be effected with my next Zumba session. Seeing mental patterns emerging that could very well lead me down the road I once traveled, I deleted the app.

Now, that is not to say that any and every fitness application or tool will invariably lead one down a path of eating disorders and OCD behaviors. Rather, they can prove quite helpful. Many thrive off that type of accountability. I, however, with my past ever lurking, only benefited so much. And, for the most part, I already make good choices daily; I don't need an app to encourage me to do so or keep me on the straight and narrow, so to speak.

This whole episode got me thinking about the "tricks of the trade" that I carry with me on a daily basis to accomplish my fitness and healthy living goals. I think they're pretty good, so I wanted to share them.

Plan ahead & be prepared.
No matter what I am doing, but especially when it comes to my work day, I always plan ahead and bring food with me. I think about what I would like to eat that day and load up my lunch sack with that and more. I generally have uneaten food in my bag when I arrive home at the end of the day, but I would rather have options and more than what I can consume then be left with nothing. Doing this keeps me from reaching for less healthy, yet readily accessible food options, such as fast food or highly processed items you often find in a convenient store. I enjoy having control over what I put into my body, and I am the one who packs the food so I never have anything I don't like. It takes a little bit of extra thought and work the night before/morning of, but that little bit goes a long way.

Size control = portion control.
For the longest time, I have utilized this methodology when it comes to food. Everyone knows that the printed serving sizes on food items often leave one wanting. Comedian, Brian Regan, tends to agree. Check this out! 

Nevertheless, when the saturated fat content or caloric value is high in relation to a single serving, one would be wise to heed the suggestion. The way I combat this is by using small containers for potentially hazardous food items. For ice cream, I use a small bowl. I can fill it up and make it appear as if I'm having a whole dish's worth, which I am. But, my waistline is much happier that my small bowl is only about 1 cup as opposed to a cereal bowl which can hold between 2-2.5 cups. Same thing for dinner. If it's really late, and I don't want to overeat, I use a 7 inch plate as opposed to a 9 or 11 inch one. My plate looks full, but I'm not consuming as much. Such a simple trick that works wonders.

Along these lines, I have discovered a product to help anyone trying to get their portions & nutritional balance right. Developed by Slimware, these plates are designed beautifully with a hidden portion control device. The design pictured here is the Jubilee design, and the large flower is for vegetables, the 2nd largest flower is for protein, and the smallest one is for starchy carbs. Using this, all of the measuring and head scratching disappears. Portion control couldn't be easier.

Drink lots of water.
Water is important for hydration and makes up almost 3/4's of our body's weight. It keeps your system running efficiently. I know there are some great vitamin infused waters, etc., but you can't beat good ol' H20. So try to steer away from water with additives. Take a multi-vitamin daily and then add a dash of lemon, lime, or even a cucumber slice to your water throughout the day. It will jazz up the otherwise monotonous beverage naturally and effectively.

Also, keep in mind that what may feel like hunger is actually your body telling you that you are dehydrated. If you feel hungry when you know you probably shouldn't, drink a glass of water, wait 20 minutes, and re-visit the idea of a snack. If the hunger pangs persisted, you probably could use one, but if they vanished you know what your body actually needed. So have another glass!

DUH! But everyone thinks to incorporate exercise into their life, they have to be willing to commit to hour long sessions at the gym 5 days a week. WRONG! In this case, less is more. Even if you log only 20 minutes 3-4x per week, you will do your body good. Any exercise is good exercise, and it can take on various forms: walking, running, bicycling, rollerblading, kick boxing, dancing, vacuuming, stair climbing, stretching, yoga, and the list goes on and on. It doesn't so much matter what you do, just so long as you DO something.

And for people who feel really time crunched, do two 10 minutes sessions at different points during your day. It will give you an energy boost and get the job done without breaking your time bank. Lots of trainers include shortened sessions as a bonus to their DVD's. Upload them to your smart phone, write them down, or run a quick search online. They're out there! Do a little hunting, or make up your own! Again, anything is better than nothing.

Eat frequently.
I eat with great frequency, but in small portions. On average, I eat something every 3-4 hours. It keeps my metabolism buzzing, prevents/rectifies mid-afternoon slumps, and keeps my energy up. Not to mention, it's delicious! I try to vary the types of foods I eat throughout the day (fruits, veggies, carbs), and incorporate healthy fats and proteins at key intervals when my energy would otherwise like to peter out. It can get tricky at night. If I eat very late, no dessert for me! But if not, I'll leave room for a special treat an hour or so afterward. I try not to eat anything within 2.5-3 hours of bedtime. You don't need calories just sitting there overnight and aligning themselves ever so nicely to your hips. No, thank you!

Everything in moderation.
Just the other day, a friend of mine could not have stated it better, "It's not about what you eat, but how much." So true! I like so many different kinds of foods. My favorites tend to fall in the sweet and salty departments, so believe me, I take time to enjoy French fries. But! I try not to overdo it. It's about portion control, yes, but it's also about taking a holistic perspective. If you happen to have a heavily fried or high fat item one day, don't sweat it too much. Just make sure you leave that out of your diet over the next day or so. If you have a piece of birthday cake at a friend's party (or your own for that matter), don't freak out! Savor it, and opt for fruit as dessert tomorrow. One "bad" food item will not knock your whole diet off track. So feel free to indulge once in a while. Food is there for nutrition and enjoyment, not for creating guilt and anxiety. Let yourself eat everything, just do so in moderation.

I hope you found these tips helpful. Like I said, I live by them, and I feel pretty good about my overall health and fitness. Adopting one or even a few could be just the thing you need to get yourself on track. Now, I am not a doctor or a licensed nutritionist, so don't take these suggestions as gold. But they work for me. Perhaps they will work for you too!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Eye Liner 411

One of my most beloved features are my eyes. They're big, brown, and beautiful. Hence, when I wear makeup, I always make sure to accentuate them.

When I was in college, I participated in a girl's only event where a graduate from a local "beauty institute" gave us the 411 on how to apply makeup well. Oftentimes, less is more. Our educator confessed that before learning a few simple techniques, she would go overboard with her makeup application, and rather than emphasize and accentuate her already beautiful features, she wound up looking like Mi Mi from the Drew Carey Show.

I learned two techniques that night that I have carried with me over the years:
  1. Applying eyeliner to your waterline. 
  2. "Layering" eye shadow.

Applying eyeliner to your lower waterline (that is, the small space behind your eyelashes on your lower lid) is great for large eyes as it minimizes their size. Whereas, if you apply eyeliner to your upper lash line, it gives the appearance of larger eyes.

So, I never wear eyeliner on my upper lid. Furthermore, I do not use liquid eyeliner; it is impossible. I attempted it a few times only to end up with incredibly terrifying looking eyes as the liner would get all over my actual eyeball. *shudder* I prefer pencil.

Oftentimes, people line their top and bottom lids; it looks great! It gives your eyes a dramatic effect and makes them a focal point of your overall look, which can be embellished or simplified depending on the thickness of the lines and/or colors of liner used.
Kim Kardashian

Here is simple table with 4 different techniques on how to line your eye for various effects - helpful & self explanatory:

Now because I apply my eyeliner to my lower waterline, I have some difficulty getting it to stay put. I did some digging and discovered not only an effective way to enhance the definition and improve its staying power, but also add a playful dimension to it.

I found these tips on an Indian Makeup & Beauty Blog. The process goes like this:
  1. Dry your waterline, using a Q-tip. By relieving the area of existing moisture, it allows the makeup you will subsequently apply set up better, thereby creating a more sure foundation.
  2. Apply your preferred eyeliner directly to the waterline.
  3. Using a slanted brush, apply eye shadow of the same color atop the eyeliner. As moisture accumulates throughout the day, it will make contact primarily with the powder of the eyeshadow, not your eyeliner, allowing it to remain intact all day. Also, it brightens and further intensifies the liner and its effects.
  4. To add a fun dimension to your look, you could use an eyeshadow that compliments or mimics the color of your eyeshadow. The possibilities here are endless. Just have fun!

Give it a try! I really like this technique because it is so versatile.

As an aside, I have recently discovered grey eyeshadow. It is a great color in that it can blend with just about every other color and adds extra pizazz without looking overdone.

I hope these insights have helped you. I extend a special thanks to Shuggra, the writer of the Indian Makeup & Beauty blog, for all of her tips, demonstration photos, and step-by-step instructions. I'll definitely be checking back there for more helpful hints.