Thursday, November 11, 2010

From Gym Buff to Video Gamer

Good health and fitness are an integral part of my life. In college, one of the best pieces of advice I ever received was: While you may be able to neglect exercise and eat less-than-nutritious cafeteria food day-in and day-out now (with frequent trips to your favorite fast food chains to supplement), someday your age will catch up to you. If you don't change your habits, your waist size will likely grow. Just like so many other things in life, you need to make an action plan now for the future in terms of how you will deal with your overall health and fitness. Now, 3+ years after graduation, I wonder who else was listening?

Thankfully, I formed a habit of regular, independent work-outs during college, but truly, fitness has been a part of my life ever since I received my first workout VHS tape at the age of 9. My sister and I would push back the futon in our family room and get our sweat on doing The Fun House Funk with Jane Fonda & J.D. Roth. With moves like "kick, step, touch" and "Fonda-U's," you could not help but have fun! When we got older, we started doing the boot scoot with Tayna Tucker. Here's a sneak peak into that one (prepare to laugh at its corniness):

After college, when Jon and I lived in New City, I had such a convenient gig! My gym, Fitness II, was literally 3 minutes down the road. 2-3 days a week after work, rather dutifully, I drove past our apartment (which was, indeed, difficult some days) and on to the gym to get in a solid workout. And with a certified personal trainer as a husband, who was constantly providing new workouts that kicked my butt, I was in fitness heaven and loved, loved, loved it. I even got a few of my co-workers to join me!

Then, a year and a half later, we moved to NJ. Despite signing up for a nearby gym, I found it difficult to go due to schedule changes. Also, Fitness II had spoiled me, and while this particular facility did offer group classes (a feature Fitness II did not have), its exercise equipment was just not up to par. Nevertheless, I did not discard my fitness regimen. I simply worked out at home to the DVD's I've amassed over the years, and then, it happened. I got Wii Fit Plus.

Wii Fit Plus was a dream come true. It tracked my progress, challenged me, and made exercise very, very fun. I loved the calendar and stamp feature that allows you, once you've completed your daily body test and accompanied workout, to mark your progress with a stamp. Also, I love the variety of fitness activities the Wii Fit Plus offers: strength exercises, cardio activities, yoga, and balance games. Admittedly, I was a little skeptical as to how well this video game was going to help me with my fitness endeavors, but I was pleasantly surprised! For beginners who are looking to establish a new habit of consistent exercise and fitness, the Wii Fit Plus is undoubtedly a step in the right direction.

Several months later, I purchased the EA Sports Active, and I fell in love all over again. Comparing the two, EA Sports Active better suits fitness die-hards. The exercises challenge individual muscle groups a bit more than Wii Fit Plus through the use of resistance bands and a more comprehensive monitoring of your body's movements via a leg strap and nunchuck. Again, I was skeptical, but the first workout left me dripping with sweat and sore the next day. Again, there is quite a variety of activities available, including sports simulations that feature baseball, basketball, and tennis skills. A further selling point of EA Sports Active is that the cardio demand its workouts place on the participant is far greater than that of the Wii Fit Plus. All things considered, I prefer EA Sports Active, but also still use & greatly enjoy the Wii Fit Plus, especially for Yoga.

Recently, I discovered that Zumba Fitness is coming out with a video game as of 11/18 for the Wii, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 platforms. I pre-ordered it the evening I found out. :) I cannot wait to try it. And!!!! 2 days earlier, EA Sports Active is introducing its 2nd version that comes complete with a heart-rate monitor and wireless monitors to strap to your arms and legs for more freedom of movement and more accurate movement tracking. Like Zumba Fitness, the game will play on the Wii, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360 systems, but you will need Move and/or Kinect for the latter 2. Who's excited??? ME!!!

Sometimes, people feel the need to exercise outside of their homes, and that approach works really well. Conversely, the notion of having to leave one's house coupled with the daily list of looming To-Do's can also cause people to fall off the fitness band wagon. Personally, I enjoy the flexibility and freedom that working out at home offers. I have my video games and DVD's along with enough fitness equipment to exercise sufficiently without the aid of electronics. Granted, it sometimes takes more discipline to exercise at home, but, for me, that's a non-issue (thanks, karate!). I do sometimes miss my group classes and having workout partners like I had at Fitness II, so if anyone needs one and has a guest pass feel free to give me a call. Likewise, if you want to come over and do an EA Sports Active workout with me, you're more than welcome and can help me earn a trophy for working out cooperatively! Happy exercising!!


  1. I have definitely noticed that you have been dropping inches these past several months! Looks like all of your DVDs and games have been working! I have really wanted to try Zumba so when you get the game, let me know how it is and I'll then maybe purchase it for the 360, since we have 2 in the house, along with 39 other systems lol. LOVE YOU BLOG PARTNER

  2. Your mention of Fonda U's still has me giggling. Oh, and don't forget "Lunge me back here" and "Be careful with your body, it's the only one you have"

    I enjoy reading every one of your posts because they invariably take me back to some memory of our childhood that makes me smile. I love you sister and I'm thankful for the fact that you make my life that much more colorful and exciting :)

    PS - I'm up to 18,000 words and hope to hit 20k today!

  3. I remember Fun House Funk! You got that at the family Christmas party waaaaay back in the day!

    I got a leotard that year and I can vividly remember getting changed and all of us girls doing the video in Aunt Kat's living room.

    Those were the days...
