Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wardrobe Favorites

For most people, one's wardrobe is rather expansive with more shirts, pants, and sweaters than you have occasions for. Nevertheless, there are always a few pieces that are the go-to's, the favorites if you will. Naturally, I have a few of my own, and I thought it might be fun to share my favorite pieces with you and hope that you, reader, will tell me of yours!

1. My #1 wardrobe staple is men's A-shirts, or "wife beaters" as they are commonly called. (A terrible name, but nevertheless, that is what I grew up identifying them as). I wear them constantly-many times as pajamas, but also often enough as just a comfy tank to throw on after a long day at work. They come in basic colors-black, white, navy, brown, and even green-which makes them easily matchable with jeans or sweats. With their poly-cotton blend, they have enough cling to them to flatter one's figure without being uncomfortably tight. Initially, I ended up with one as a hand-me-down from my husband, and liked it so much that I went out and bought a pack of my own. They really are great!

2. My Hailey Flare Distressed Jeans by Aeropostale - These jeans were a steal. I was in the market for distressed jeans and had attempted to purchase a pair  from Victoria's Secret. But, when I finally clicked "Add to Bag," they were sold out of my size. Bummer. One evening, as Jon and I were strolling through the mall, we stopped into Aeropostale, which was having a big end of season sale. To my delight, I found these beauties, and they are currently my favorite jean. The kicker: originally priced at around $45, I bought them for a little less than $16. You can't go wrong with a buy like that!

3. Also in the leg covering department, I love, love, love my GAP Long & Lean Jeans. I first received them from a mother whose child was in my class when I worked at a preschool. She had bought them, never worn them, and they were on the way to the Salvation Army had she not offered them to anyone who could fit into them.. When told the size (which happened to correspond to my waistline), I volunteered to take them. I am still so glad I did. They wear great. The hem at the bottom of the legs is wider, which is a look I really like. And, there is a little flare to them, which makes them perfect to wear with just about any shoe. I have a light blue and a black pair. They are fabulous. The only downside is that they normally retail for almost $60 (currently on sale for $20), but when these jeans finally kick the bucket, I would not be opposed to saving my pennies and buying replacements. They're that desirable.  

4. My fourth staple is plain and simple-solid tees. They are so versatile. You can dress them up or down depending on what you pair with them, and since they are not trying to make a statement in and of themselves, they provide an effortless and solid foundation off of which you can build your look. I do prefer boat necks or v-necks over the regular circular collars. They accentuate my collar bones and shoulders better-features I rather like about myself. But I don't think anyone could do without a basic tee.

5. Boots that are made for walking round out my list. In the last few years, a black boot with a 2-3 inch heel has become a must-have for me. I was bequeathed a pair by my mother-in-law, which I wore into the ground. Then, I bought a new pair last year from Sears. The pièce de résistance came this year when I found this amazing 3-in-1 boot from Charlotte Russe. The material is flexible, so you can wear it at knee height, mid-calf, or a bit taller than your ankle. I own the grey pair pictured here as well as a black pair. I bought them during a buy one get one for $10 sale. Originally priced at $50, add $10 for the second pair, but subtract 10% due to a text-in promotion, I got 2 pairs of boots for $56! Which if you think about it really equates to 6 pairs because of their adaptability. A major score! I only wish they came in brown too!

So there you have it! 5 of my wardrobe favorites. As I stated at the start, I would love to hear from you, reader, concerning what your favorite pieces are. I learn a lot about fashion from what I see on and learn from other people, so your feedback is valuable to me. I hope you had a wonderful New Year and look forward to what 2011 holds in store for this blog.

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome to find a solid pair of jeans. In high school/college, I owned a zillion pairs of jeans and mostly "designer" brands only because it was cool lol now all of my 7's are collecting dust somewhere because none of them actually FIT correctly. I have really short legs and even when I buy a shorter inseam, i STILL have to get them hemmed. The only designer brand of denim that fit me like a glove are Joe's Jeans. I especially love their jeans that are supposed to be ankle length on normal people, but they fit me like regular jeans! The only draw back about them is that they retail at $150+ but I always purchase them when Nordstrom has a sale and they get down to $90ish. Even still, that's A LOT of moolah. I do also love my Express Boot Cut jeans which are fairly priced around $40.
    And as always, no matter how Ugg-ly people make them out to be, my #1 wardrobe favorite have to be my UGGS! :)
